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20 Locuri de Munca It Project Manager in Iasi

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20 Locuri de Munca It Project Manager in Iasi

Cauta printr-o varietate mare de joburi It Project Manager in Iasi si aplica la cel mai potrivit loc de munca pentru experienta ta.

Cauta printr-o varietate mare de joburi It Project Manager in Iasi si aplica la cel mai potrivit loc de munca pentru experienta ta.

Project Manager - Constructii

Candidatul ideal - Absolvent Facultatea Constructii Civile , Industriale si Agricole- Experienta relevanta in functia de Project Manager.- Coordonare proiecte de antrepriza generala medii/mari din pozitia de Project Manager- Capacitati de gestionare/optimizare bugete- Eficienta in organizare, programare, urmarire lucrari santier- Cunoastere lb. englezaDescrierea jobului - Derularea contractului de antrepriza generala- Coordonarea echipei de proiect in vederea realizarii proiectului in parametri stabiliti- Urmarirea costurilor, incadrarea in bugete si in graficele stabilite- Optimizare, negociere contracte, solutionarea situatiilor critice in proiect- Relationare cu Beneficiarii, consultantii proiectului, furnizorii, autoritatile de resort

Team Leader– On-site,​ Iași

Candidatul ideal Your qualificationsConcentrix + Webhelp is a great match if you: Are proficient or bilingual in English Have at least 1 year experience in a similar position (BPO preferred) Are open-minded and eager to learn new thingsIt will be a plus if you have: BPO experience in FintechIf you feel you don’t check every box, we encourage you to apply anyway. We'll do our best to match you with the right job, whether it’s this or another role.Descrierea jobului Job descriptionIn this dynamic role, you'll be the leader of our new and enthusiastic team. This position is onsite in our beautifully renovated facility and provides service support and resolution of routine problems regarding client's products and/or services.Reimagine your careerAre you looking for a career change with a forward-thinking global organization? Come be part of our award-winning company driven by our people from 70+ countries where ALL members contribute and support each other’s success and well-be

Product Manager

Candidatul ideal Viziunea si misiunea Antibiotice S.A.Ne punem întotdeauna forța și cunoașterea în slujba celor care au nevoie de sprijinul nostru. Facem medicamentele valoroase mai accesibile, ca mijloc de ingrijire a sănătății pentru pacienți, medici, farmaciști.Prețuim eficiența și sprijinul de cooperare, care ne permit să fim orientați către nevoile mereu în schimbare ale clienților și consumatorilor nostri.Dacă ești o persoană bine organizată, cu o mare atenție la detalii, orientată către rezultate, creativă și dornică să activezi într-o companie de top cu expunere atât națională, cât și internațională, această oportunitate poate fi ceea ce cauți.Redăm mai jos cerințele postului: Absolvent al Facultății de Medicină / Farmacie Bună înțelegere a mixului de marketing Abilităti de comunicare cu specialiștii din domeniul sănătătii Capacitatea de a planifica și prioritiza sarcinile de lucru pentru a respecta termenele limită este fundamentală Încredere în sine, ambiție, initiativa, capa

Media netă estimată pe baza celor 255 de salarii introduse în Salario: 5900 RON/Luna

Junior Team Leader (french-speaking) – On-site,​ Iasi

Candidatul ideal Your qualificationsConcentrix + Webhelp is a great match if you: Are proficient in French Have excellent, consistent quality scores and other performance metrics Are proficient in Excel/Google Sheets, PowerPoint/Google Presentations Have excellent communication and leadership skills, organizational and time-management skills Are highly organized Have the ability to motivate a teamIf you feel you don’t check every box, we encourage you to apply anyway. We'll do our best to match you with the right job, whether it’s this or another role.Descrierea jobului Job descriptionIn this dynamic role, you'll be the Team Leader on our new and enthusiastic project.Reimagine your careerAre you looking for a career change with a forward-thinking global organization? Come be part of our award-winning company driven by our people from 70+ countries where ALL members contribute and support each other’s success and well-being, proudly united as our “game-changers." We're recog

Team Leader

Candidatul ideal Echipa Concord Service Center din Iasi, cauta sa isi completeze departamentul de coordonare cu o pozitie de Team Leader.Ne dorim ca viitorul coleg sa vina cu;- Abilitati de coordonare, organizare si planificare a activitatilor;- Abilitati foarte bune de comunicare si relationare;- Tehnici de people management;- Deschidere catre tehnologie si digitalizare;- Dinamism, ingeniozitate si eficienta;- Gândire logică;- Orientare spre rezultate;- Atentie distributiva;- Atitudine proactiva;- Capacitatea de a lucra în echipă;- Rigurozitate în activitatea desfăsurată;- Motivatie reala sa ramana in Romania;Skilluri: - Experienta similara pe un post de coordonare echipa;- Experienta in coordonarea proceselor de productie;- Experienta in lucrul cu oamenii;- Cunostinte medii de operare Mircrosoft Office, in special Excel;- Cunostiinte medii de limba engleza;- Cunoștințele de profil tehnic pot fi un avantaj.Descrierea jobului Responsabilitati:- Asigura indeplinirea normei de lucru de c

Media netă estimată pe baza celor 2081 de salarii introduse în Salario: 5000 RON/Luna

Team Leader Customer Support (remote In Iasi)

Candidatul ideal The ideal candidate: Excellent knowledge of English language (C1 upwards); Minimum 2 years of experience working in HR; Solid understanding and fluency with using ticketing systems, SAP HR; Demonstrated training and reporting competencies; Decision-making and problem-solving abilities; Good time management and prioritization skills; Very good communication skills.Nice to have: Good knowledge of French language (B2 upwards).Descrierea jobului The Team Leader Customer Support is responsible for: Managing team members to process claims and answer calls efficiently. Coaching team to deliver KPIs; Ensuring adherence to company policy and procedures; Acting as the liaison between operations and middle management to ensure protocols are being followed; Helping with conflict resolution with clients, people, tasks, and systems-related issues; Providing resolutions to a diverse range of complex tasks; Delivering inputs on process improvement and operational initiatives; Acting a

Team Leader

Candidatul ideal Team LeaderAbia aștepți weekend-ul ca să pleci în drumeții, bicicleta îți este cel mai bun prieten sau ești cel care vorbește mereu despre sală și își îndeamnă prietenii să ți se alăture la antrenamente? Atunci, inima ta bate pentru sport! Felicitări, fără să îți dai seama, faci parte din echipa Decathlon. Pentru a intra oficial în echipa noastră, pe lângă acest criteriu major: este la fel de important să ai experiență în gestionarea unei echipe, să fii lider pentru echipa ta, nu șef. Asta înseamnă să îi inspiri pe cei din jur, să crezi în puterea exemplului și să crezi în ei. să știi că nu ne dorim să ai neapărat experiență în retail, ci să fii o persoană foarte responsabilă, orientată către acțiuni concrete și să fi avut reușite profesionale în activitatea desfășurată în trecut. trebuie să fii o persoană care se adaptează ușor la schimbări, este proactivă și atentă la nevoile clienților. reușești să știi să menții un echilibru între empatie și exigență în gestionarea

Media netă estimată pe baza celor 2111 de salarii introduse în Salario: 5000 RON/Luna

Product Manager Siloking

Candidatul ideal Experience in dealing with livestock farms, in selling products used in animal husbandry Understanding animal nutrition English proficiency is a must Organized person, activ on field but also available to send activity reports from the officeOriented towards learning and self-improvementDescrierea jobului Increasing the notoriety of brands from the portfolio Increase market share to the level established together with the company's management and portfolio suppliers Defines the product portfolio and commercial policy for it, market positioning and sales conditions Involvement and support in the sales process Prepares and approves the order plan, permanently monitoring the stock and its rotation Proposes actions to promote the product portfolio and follows-up their implementation Maintains the relationship with the assigned suppliers Constantly learns and transfers the acquired knowledge internally to the sales team and technical team Propose participation in profil
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Specialist Relații Clienți - Magazin Produse Premium Iași

Companie verificată
Aplica rapid
Te consideri o persoană empatică, ordonată și cu dorința de a-și duce treaba până la capăt?HR Design recrutează pentru clientul său - o companie reprezentativă din industria retail, cu magazine de vânzare de produse premium - un Specialist Relații Clienți - Magazin Produse Premium, în Iași! Pentru a-ți desfășura activitatea, e important:*să îți pese de oameni și să îți dorești să îi servești cât mai bine în funcție de nevoile lor*să te preocupe atingerea rezultatelor în munca pe care o faci*să îți placă să înveți informații specifice și să aplici feedback-ul pe care îl primești*să respecți procedurile de lucru*să poți face față unor situații cu care te-ai mai întâlnit, dar și cu altele noi, diferite*să ai cunoștințe de operare pe calculator și de limba engleză la nivel mediu Dacă ești absolvent de studii medii (diploma de Bacalaureat) și ai experiență anterioară în domeniul vânzărilor și relații cu clienții, reprezintă un avantaj. Iată, în mod concret ce vei reuși să faci:1. Asculți em
HR Design Consulting

IT Specialist - Iași

Companie verificată
Aplica rapid
Ești organizat/ă, atent/ă la detalii și îți place să lucrezi cu hardware și software IT? HR Design recrutează pentru clientul său - o companie reprezentativă din industria retail, cu magazine de vânzare de produse premium în Iași - un IT Specialist! Pentru a-ți desfășura activitatea, e important:*să ai studii superioare și să cunoști domeniul IT*să fii proactiv în identificarea și rezolvarea problemelor care pot apare în munca ta*să te concentrezi pe task-urile de făcut, astfel încât sa le rezolvi repede și bine*să cauți întotdeauna metode mai bune de a-ți face treaba și să îi instruiești și pe ceilalți ce să facă*să ai cunoștințe de limba engleză la nivel mediu și operare pe calculator la nivel avansat Experiența anterioară în activități de gestiune echipamente și software IT, constituie un avantaj. Iată, în mod concret ce vei reuși să faci:-te asiguri de îndeplinirea necesarului de echipamente IT în sediile companiei (calculatoare, imprimante, telefoane, cabluri, mouse etc.)-te ocupi
HR Design Consulting

Programator cu abilități de SEO și marketing social

Companie verificată
Aplica rapid
Salariu De la 500 până la 700 USD pe săptămână
Companie internațională caută programator/developer web, cu bune cunoștințe de SEO, Social Media Marketing inclusiv campanii Google, campanii Facebook și Instagram și programare PhP. Cel mai binevenit, de asemenea, mysql, PHP, Htlm și așa mai departe, cunoașterea foarte bună a limbii engleze este obligatorie, iar engleza și italiană este un plus. Software-ul de proiectare este, de asemenea, un plus. Puteți trimite CV-ul.

Software Development Engineer,​ Oblivion

Candidatul ideal BASIC QUALIFICATIONS- Experience (non-internship) in professional software development- Experience designing or architecting (design patterns, reliability and scaling) of new and existing systems- Experience programming with at least one software programming languageAmazon’s mission is to be earth’s most customer-centric company and our team is the guardian of our customer’s privacy. The Amazon Privacy team is looking for builders that want to create unique data privacy solutions that help us retain our customer’s trust. Our team partners across Amazon’s Consumer and Digital business units to build, monitor, and protect a secure environment for the Amazon business. As a software development engineer on our team, you will apply the appropriate technologies and best practices to autonomously solve difficult problems. You will work with customers, stakeholders, and peers to refine your ideas into pragmatic solutions with high operational excellence. You will contribute to

Software Development Engineer,​ Oblivion

Candidatul ideal BASIC QUALIFICATIONS- Experience (non-internship) in professional software development- Experience designing or architecting (design patterns, reliability and scaling) of new and existing systems- Experience programming with at least one software programming languageAmazon’s mission is to be earth’s most customer-centric company and our team is the guardian of our customer’s privacy. The Amazon Privacy team is looking for builders that want to create unique data privacy solutions that help us retain our customer’s trust. Our team partners across Amazon’s Consumer and Digital business units to build, monitor, and protect a secure environment for the Amazon business. As a software development engineer on our team, you will apply the appropriate technologies and best practices to autonomously solve difficult problems. You will work with customers, stakeholders, and peers to refine your ideas into pragmatic solutions with high operational excellence. You will contribute to

Software Development Engineer,​ Oblivion

Candidatul ideal Amazon’s mission is to be earth’s most customer-centric company and our team is the guardian of our customer’s privacy. The Amazon Privacy team is looking for builders that want to create unique data privacy solutions that help us retain our customer’s trust. Our team partners across Amazon’s Consumer and Digital business units to build, monitor, and protect a secure environment for the Amazon business. As a software development engineer on our team, you will apply the appropriate technologies and best practices to autonomously solve difficult problems. You will work with customers, stakeholders, and peers to refine your ideas into pragmatic solutions with high operational excellence. You will contribute to the professional development of colleagues, improving their technical knowledge and engineering practices.The ideal candidate is clearly passionate about new opportunities and has a demonstrated track record of success in delivering new features and products. A comm

Software Development Engineer,​ Cors - Rapid Solutions

Candidatul ideal BASIC QUALIFICATIONS- Experience (non-internship) in professional software development- Experience designing or architecting (design patterns, reliability and scaling) of new and existing systems- Experience programming with at least one software programming language PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS- Bachelor's degree in computer science or equivalent- Experience with full software development life cycle, including coding standards, code reviews, source control management, build processes, testing, and operationsAmazon is an equal opportunities employer. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decisions based on your experience and skills. We value your passion to discover, invent, simplify and build. Protecting your privacy and the security of your data is a longstanding top priority for Amazon. Please consult our Privacy Notice ( to know more about how we collect, use

Software Development Manager,​ Amazon Privacy Tech

Candidatul ideal BASIC QUALIFICATIONS- Knowledge of engineering practices and patterns for the full software/hardware/networks development life cycle, including coding standards, code reviews, source control management, build processes, testing, certification, and livesite operations- Bachelor's degreePREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS- Experience managing a team of high calibre Software Engineers developing complex, world class, scalable software systems that have been successfully delivered to customers- Experience partnering with product and program management teams- Master's degree- Do you have 4+ years of experience managing engineers developing products that have been delivered to internal or external customers?Amazon is an equal opportunities employer. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decisions based on your experience and skills. We value your passion to discover, invent, simplify and build. Protecting your p

Software Development Engineer,​ Sdo Privacy,​ Data Access,​ Sdo Privacy - Aedu Team

Candidatul ideal Amazon’s mission is to be earth’s most customer-centric company and our team is the guardian of our customer’s privacy. The Amazon Privacy team is looking for builders that want to create unique data privacy solutions that help us retain our customer’s trust. Our team partners across Amazon’s Consumer and Digital business units to build, monitor, and protect a secure environment for the Amazon business. As a software development engineer on our team, you will apply the appropriate technologies and best practices to autonomously solve difficult problems. You will work with customers, stakeholders, and peers to refine your ideas into pragmatic solutions with high operational excellence. You will contribute to the professional development of colleagues, improving their technical knowledge and engineering practices.The ideal candidate is clearly passionate about new opportunities and has a demonstrated track record of success in delivering new features and products. A comm

Maintenance Automation Engineer

Candidatul ideal University degree – technical studies. At least 5 years experience in a similar position. Automotive experience - considered an advantage. Good knowledge of programming. Knowledge in PLC's (Siemens, Beckhoff). Knowledge of programming robots. Good understanding of electrical diagrams. Integrity, tenacity and demonstrated ability to address difficult issues and problems. English advanced level - mandatory.Descrierea jobului Maintaining and programming Vision cameras (Cognex, IFM, Keyence); Maintaining and programming robots ( ABB, Staubli, Fanuc); Automation programming specially Step7 & TIA Portal (Siemens), TwinCAT (Beckhoff) for PLCs; Programming and debugging in Visual Basic; Programming and debugging for NC, especially Sinumerik and Fanuc.Benefits: Premium medical package 13th Salary Skills development training (languages, technical, soft); Meal tickets; Gift tickets; Free company bus transport; Bookster, different events for employees.

Junior Fraud Analyst – On-site,​ Iasi

Candidatul ideal Your qualificationsWe embrace our game-changers with open arms, people from diverse backgrounds, curious and willing to learn. Your natural talent to help others and go beyond WOW for our customers will fit right in with what we do and who we are.Concentrix + Webhelp is a great match if you have: A bachelor’s degree in a specific education background Specific professional background (min 9-12 months in BPO) PC Skills Very good language skills – (C1 level of English)Don’t meet every requirement? No worries, we're dedicated to creating a diverse, inclusive, and authentic workplace for everyone. If you feel you don’t check every box, we encourage you to apply anyway. We'll do our best to match you with the right job, whether it’s this or another role.Descrierea jobului Job descriptionFor this project we are looking for colleagues to join our fraud team in Iasi.This position is onsite in our beautifully renovated facility and provides service support and resolution

Junior Aml Analyst - On-site,​ Iasi

Candidatul ideal Your qualificationsWe embrace our game-changers with open arms, people from diverse backgrounds, curious and willing to learn. Your natural talent to help others and go beyond WOW for our customers will fit right in with what we do and who we are.Concentrix + Webhelp is a great match if you have:* A bachelor's degree in a specific education background* Specific professional background (min 9-12 months in BPO)* PC Skills* Very good language skills - (C1 level of English)Descrierea jobului Job descriptionFor this project we are looking for colleagues to join our AML (Anti-Money Laundering) Team in Iași.This position is onsite in our beautifully renovated facility and provides service support and resolution of routine problems regarding client's products and/or services.Reimagine your careerAre you looking for a career change with a forward-thinking global organization? Come be part of our award-winning company driven by our people from 70+ countries where ALL mem
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