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13 Locuri de Munca Pirelli - Joburi Pirelli

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13 Locuri de Munca Pirelli - Joburi Pirelli

Cauta printr-o varietate mare de joburi Pirelli si aplica la cel mai potrivit loc de munca pentru experienta ta.

Cauta printr-o varietate mare de joburi Pirelli si aplica la cel mai potrivit loc de munca pentru experienta ta.

Specialist SSM Slatina

Scurta descriere a companiei Pirelli is open to the best people. It looks for talent both inside and outside the Company, encouraging and developing potential.At Pirelli you will be working with professionals at the top of their game. We are a global company drawing on talent, where people are encouraged to develop their skills and perform to the best of their abilities – whether you join as graduates or later in your career. We are dynamic, international and multicultural environment, which values collaboration and strong working relationships.Working at Pirelli is an opportunity to develop your skills and professional knowledge. Cerinte Educatie: Absolvent studii superioare Competente: insusire si inţelegere a legislaţiei specifice; atitudine proactiva, spirit de echipa si abilitati de comunicare, engleza nivel mediu/avansatEste important sa se transmita odata cu Cv-ul una dintre urmatoarele cerinte ( calificativ/diploma/adeverinta):• Curs Inspector SSM 80hConstituie un avantaj:• Cur

Inginer mecanic mentenanta Slatina

Scurta descriere a companiei Pirelli is open to the best people. It looks for talent both inside and outside the Company, encouraging and developing potential.At Pirelli you will be working with professionals at the top of their game. We are a global company drawing on talent, where people are encouraged to develop their skills and perform to the best of their abilities – whether you join as graduates or later in your career. We are dynamic, international and multicultural environment, which values collaboration and strong working relationships.Working at Pirelli is an opportunity to develop your skills and professional knowledge. Cerinte Educatie: Facultatea de Mecanica sau Electromecanica, Ingineria si Managementul Sistemelor TehnologiceCompetente :-AUTOCAD -DWG Editor -Cunostinte bune Pneumatica si Hidraulica, precum si citirea si interpretarea desenului tehnic-Cunostinte bune pachetul Microsoft OfficeExperiența : Minim 3 ani experienta ca Inginer Mecanic in domeniul Industrial Alte

Inginer procese materiale Slatina

Scurta descriere a companiei Pirelli is open to the best people. It looks for talent both inside and outside the Company, encouraging and developing potential.At Pirelli you will be working with professionals at the top of their game. We are a global company drawing on talent, where people are encouraged to develop their skills and perform to the best of their abilities – whether you join as graduates or later in your career. We are dynamic, international and multicultural environment, which values collaboration and strong working relationships.Working at Pirelli is an opportunity to develop your skills and professional knowledge. Cerinte Educatie: Studii superioare tehnice- de preferat Facultatea de Chimie, Chimie Industriala, Stiinta si Ingineria Materialelor, limba Engleza - nivel mediu/avansat ( Italiana optional).Competente : Analiză şi atenţie la detalii, capacitatea de a sesiza defectele, lucrul în echipă, îndemânare, precizie, perseverenţă, folosirea terminologiei de specialita

Inginer automatist birou tehnic Slatina

Scurta descriere a companiei Pirelli is open to the best people. It looks for talent both inside and outside the Company, encouraging and developing potential.At Pirelli you will be working with professionals at the top of their game. We are a global company drawing on talent, where people are encouraged to develop their skills and perform to the best of their abilities – whether you join as graduates or later in your career. We are dynamic, international and multicultural environment, which values collaboration and strong working relationships.Working at Pirelli is an opportunity to develop your skills and professional knowledge. Cerinte Educatie: Studii superioare de specialitate: Electrotehnica, Automatica, Energetica.Competente: Bune cunostinte in domeniul aplicatiilor curentului electric (aparate, masini, actionari si masurari electrice, sisteme de reglare automata, automate programabile) / utilizarea PC in proiectarea circuitelor electrice, cunostinte Siemens Step 7 si TIA Portal

Internship CCS Operations Craiova

Scurta descriere a companiei Pirelli is open to the best people. It looks for talent both inside and outside the Company, encouraging and developing potential.At Pirelli you will be working with professionals at the top of their game. We are a global company drawing on talent, where people are encouraged to develop their skills and perform to the best of their abilities – whether you join as graduates or later in your career. We are dynamic, international and multicultural environment, which values collaboration and strong working relationships.Working at Pirelli is an opportunity to develop your skills and professional knowledge. Cerinte Education: Faculty of Computer Science, Computer EngineeringBasic knowledge of virtual systems (VMWare, Microsoft Hyper-V)Basic knowledge of Power ShellKnowledge of Oracle databases (10g, 11g), Microsoft SQL Developer, SQL ServerAnalysis and attention to detail, teamwork, skill, accuracy, perseverance, communication and problem solving skills. Experie

SRM Support Specialist Craiova

Scurta descriere a companiei Pirelli is open to the best people. It looks for talent both inside and outside the Company, encouraging and developing potential.At Pirelli you will be working with professionals at the top of their game. We are a global company drawing on talent, where people are encouraged to develop their skills and perform to the best of their abilities – whether you join as graduates or later in your career. We are dynamic, international and multicultural environment, which values collaboration and strong working relationships.Working at Pirelli is an opportunity to develop your skills and professional knowledge. Cerinte Educatie: Facultatea de Economie si Administrarea Afacerilor / Facultatea de Automatica, Calculatoare si Electronica / Facultatea de Matematică şi Ştiinte ale Naturii Competente: - studii superioare in domeniul economic sau tehnic - cunoasterea limbii italiene – nivel avansat- cunoasterea limbii engleze – nivel mediu- cunostinte bune de utilizare a PC

Inginer Industrial - Full-Time

Analizeaza fluxul de materiale si procesele de lucru;Calculeaza si analizeaza posibile reduceri de costuri si/sau resurse in functie de volumul productiei; Propune proiecte de optimizare a standardelor (layout locuri de munca, procese, diagrame, proiectarea fluxului de materiale etc);Planifica si implementeaza proiecte agreate cu managerul departamentului;Se asigura de coerenta datelor inregistrate in sistemele informatice ale departamentului Inginerie Industriala;Aplica standardele 5S in aria sa de responsabilitate; Intocmeste si verifica documentele si rapoartele specifice departamentului (rapoarte privind masurile de imbunatatire in caz de deviatii de la standarde, alte rapoarte dupa caz). Educatie: Facultate cu profil tehnicCompetente :Lucru facil cu date/informatii complexe, fiabilitate in manipularea cifrelor;Buna capacitate de analiza si atentie la detalii;Creativ, capabil sa vina cu idei noi;Capacitate buna de sinteza, capacitate de a convinge;Experienta : Proaspat absolventi d

Inginer procese materiale Slatina - Full-Time

Persoana va urmari dezvoltarea si industrializarea noilor amestecuri de la faza de prototip pana la intrarea in productie. Colaboreaza cu departamentul Materiale Milano pentru dezvoltarea noilor amestecuri si procese. Responsabila cu validarea noilor ingrediente si procese. Lucreaza, in calitate de departament suport, in stransa legatura cu urmatoarele departamente: Calitate, Mentenanta, Planificare si Productie.Responsabilitati:• Responsabil pentru dezvoltarea/industrializarea de noi materiale si procese• Contribuie la procesul de omologare materii prime, cooperând cu toate departamentele implicate• Organizează și urmărește testele pentru industrializarea amestecurilor• Intocmește documentația necesară industializării • Evaluează rezultatele testelor în conformitate cu obiectivele• Identifica soluții noi, dezvolta și îmbunătățește procesele• Colaboreaza cu departamentul Materiale Milano• Organizează activitățile de start-up pentru noile mașini din productie• Respectarea standardelor P

Muncitor Necalificat La Ambalarea Produselor Solide Si Semisolide - Ajofm | Anofm

Ocupatia: MUNCITOR NECALIFICAT LA AMBALAREA PRODUSELOR SOLIDE SI SEMISOLIDE - AJOFM | ANOFMAngajator: SC PIRELLI TYRES ROMANIA SRLExperienta: Fără experienta (0 ani)Educatie: Liceal-LICEU TEORETICTimp de lucru: 8Adresa locului de munca: SLATINA

Muncitor Necalificat La Ambalarea Produselor Solide Si Semisolide - Ajofm | Anofm

Ocupatia: MUNCITOR NECALIFICAT LA AMBALAREA PRODUSELOR SOLIDE SI SEMISOLIDE - AJOFM | ANOFMAngajator: SC PIRELLI TYRES ROMANIA SRLExperienta: Fără experienta (0 ani)Educatie: Liceal-LICEU TEORETICTimp de lucru: 8Adresa locului de munca: SLATINA

Operator La Prelucrarea Cauciucului - Ajofm | Anofm

Ocupatia: OPERATOR LA PRELUCRAREA CAUCIUCULUI - AJOFM | ANOFMAngajator: SC PIRELLI TYRES ROMANIA SRLExperienta: Fără experienta (0 ani)Educatie: Liceal-LICEU TEORETICTimp de lucru: 8Adresa locului de munca: SLATINA

Specialist In Achizitii - Ajofm | Anofm

Ocupatia: SPECIALIST IN ACHIZITII - AJOFM | ANOFMAngajator: SC PIRELLI TYRES ROMANIA SRLExperienta: Experienta putina Educatie: Universitar-INVATAMANT SUPERIORTimp de lucru: 8Adresa locului de munca: SLATINA

Inginer Electronist Transporturi,​ Telecomunicatii - Ajofm | Anofm

Ocupatia: INGINER ELECTRONIST TRANSPORTURITELECOMUNICATII - AJOFM | ANOFMAngajator: SC PIRELLI TYRES ROMANIA SRLExperienta: Experiență Medie (3-5 ani)Educatie: Universitar-INVATAMANT SUPERIORTimp de lucru: 8Adresa locului de munca: SLATINA
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