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1 Locuri de Munca Internship in Strainatate

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Cauta printr-o varietate mare de joburi Internship in Strainatate si aplica la cel mai potrivit loc de munca pentru experienta ta.

Research Internship - Matter Labs

About the jobAt Matter Labs, we believe freedom drives progress and prosperity. We don’t see ourselves as a company, but as a team aligned around a single mission: to advance personal freedom for all (see ZK Credo ).To achieve this goal, we’re building zkSync — a credibly neutral, fully open source technology stack and network on top of Ethereum, which is owned and governed by its community. We use advanced cryptography called zero-knowledge proofs to scale Ethereum infinitely without compromising on security or decentralization. With a world-class team, a community of over 1M supporters across Twitter + Discord , and hundreds of millions $ in funding , we have abundant resources to accomplish the mission.The RolePhD interns play a vital role in research organisations, and this significance holds particularly true in the field of blockchains, which encompasses various disciplines. At Matter Labs, our work spans a wide range of areas, including applied machine learning, applied cryptog
Entry Level Jobs in TOP Companies - Hipo.​ro
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